East-West Forum

Tacis component DEX

Interreg component COMMIN





About project


COMMIN - Promoting Spatial Development by creating COMon MINdscapes, BSR Interreg III B


COMMIN Project includes 28 partners from 11 countries – this is the consortium of universities, public and administrative establishments, ministries and local governments, organizations and companies from Byelorussia, Germany, Dania, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Estonia. 


COMMIN Project (COMmon MINdscapes) creates common understanding of spatial development and spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region. It establishes a basis for future EU and national policies and documents as well as practical cooperation and joint implementation concerning transnational spatial development around the Baltic Sea. The project makes knowledge available, creates the base for equal communication, qualifies practitioners, and organises the interchange of experiences made within the field of spatial development. COMmon MINdscapes – derived form ‘mind’ and ‘landscape’ – stands common research approaches and mutual understanding: common understanding of spatial planning terminology in all participating countries.


Aims of COMMIN project:


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Create an opportunity of the effective transnational partners communication

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Create conditions of further international projects and investments

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Increase professionalism

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Make an exchange of experience and results of the project accessible to online use

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Exchange the best practice and promote innovational approaches



Leontief Centre implements tree Project working packages:


1. Web Based Portal on Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region
Main COMMIN instrument is an opened and permanently updated Internet portal stimulating international exchange of knowledge among all involved into the spatial planning and development in the Baltic Sea Region. COMMIN web based portal was designed as a
dialogue platform. Platform core is a constantly enlarging glossary on spatial planning terminology. The database on main spatial terms in English language will be created on the web site: the most important terms applied in 11 participating countries will be harmonized and then presented through common English terms based on common understanding and generally adopted definitions.


2. Advanced Training Network on Spatial Planning and Regional Development in the BSR     
In the framework of the Project the specialized trainings on spatial planning and regional development in the Baltic Sea Region being organizing: eight three-days seminars and two summer schools.


3. Transnational Exchange of Innovative Approaches of Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region    
Analysis of current and completed Interreg Projects will provide generalization of experience and elaboration of recommendations for future cross-border projects and policies. Thematic trainings on Transeuropean Transport Networks (TEN-T), Integrated Costal Zone Management (ICZM) will combine best practice and knowledge accumulated under these directions.


COMMIN flyer

This project is funded by the EU  

A project implemented by Jyväskylä Regional

Development Company Jykes Ltd

The Web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the Web site is the sole responsibility of implementing partner Jykes Oy and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.