East-West Forum

Tacis component DEX

Interreg component COMMIN





About project

East-West Forum  for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region

The project was initiated in the year 2001 for establishment and development dialog between countries of Baltic Sea Region and North-West Regions of Russia, as well as for RNSC activity support implementation. Forum functions as an arena for exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of spatial planning and sustainable development to stimulate partnerships and increase the possibilities for co-operation and networking between North-West regional authorities and BSR countries.

The project East-West Forum: sustainable development of the Baltic Sea Region is a macro project, consisting of a number of a sub projects, including:
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Elaboration of national strategy and the  North-West region strategy of collaboration in the Baltic region

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Initiation of educational programs (for state employees, politicians of a local and regional level, experts), introducing the specific of procedure, possible financing

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Creation of a North-West information centre in BSR collaboration

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Introduction of information exchange between regions of Russia and collaboration experience with EU countries through the educational programs, conferences, seminars and publications

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Implementation of possible steps for Tacis and Interreg interface and coordination

In the year 2005 Leontief Centre started the realization of a project East-West Forum: sustainable development of the Baltic Sea Region which includes two main components:
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COMMIN - Promoting Spatial Development by creating COMon MINdscapes, BSR Interreg III B

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DEX - Developing EXcellence-DEX. Excellence Centres network for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region, Tacis CBC


This project is funded by the EU  

A project implemented by Jyväskylä Regional

Development Company Jykes Ltd

The Web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the Web site is the sole responsibility of implementing partner Jykes Oy and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.